Sunday, December 20, 2009

Our Class in front of the School Christmas Tree

Christmas Art Competition

This year the Student Council in Scoil Nioclais held an art competition for all the first, second and third classes. Second class had to draw a picture of Santa and his sleigh. Well done to Colm O' Riorden who won the competition from our class.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Cork City Sports!

Well done to all the boys and girls in Scoil Nioclais who participated in the Cork City Sports last week. A special congratulations to Oyemen Ayere and Julie O' Sullivan who represented the school from our class.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Scoil Nioclais Coin Trail 2009

Last Thursday we participated in a coin trail that was set up by The Scoil Niocláis Parents Assosciation. This year we hope to raise enough money to buy a cow from Bóthar. Well done to all the boys and girls who collected and brought in all the coins!

Sports Day!

We enjoyed a fantastic day of sport in the sun last Wednesday. All classes took to the school grounds where we rotated the various activities. We played rounders, hockey, threw javlins, had egg and spoon races etc. Ice-cream was then provided for everyone by the school council! What a great day!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Visit From The Mobile Farm!

Today a mobile farm visited Scoil Nioclais. We got to look at, rub and even hold many different types of farm animals including ducks, baby chickens, hens, rabbits etc. We really enjoyed this experience!

Sciath na Scol Final!

We were delighted and very proud to be able to support the Scoil Nioclais camogie team in Pairc Ui Chaoimh.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Monday, May 25, 2009

Our First Holy Communion!

Celebrating Our First Holy Communion!

We recently celebrated our First Holy Communion on May 16th. We had a fantastic day and enjoyed the celebrations that followed in school on Monday 18th of May. We had our pictures taken by a photographer and enjoyed party celebrations with our very own Communion cake!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Our Art Lesson on the RMS Titanic

Last week before our art lesson we learned about the RMS Titanic. For her time, she was the largest passenger steamship in the world. On the night of 14 April 1912, during her maiden voyage, Titanic hit an iceberg and sank two hours and forty minutes later, early on 15 April 1912. The sinking resulted in the deaths of 1,517 people, making it one of the most deadly sinking ship disasters in history.
We studied the form and shape of the Titanic ship and focused on the various types of lines. We then drew the ship and coloured it in using oil pastels.
We payed great attention to the sea and sky also. We focused on the different shades of colour and how they may have looked that night i.e. the icey cold water and the sun setting in the background.

Primary Science Week

On Thursday the 2nd of April 3rd class did a science display in the hall for primary science week. Some of the experiments they carried out included dancing raisins, helicopters, fingerprints, reaction times, designing bridges, creepy reflections and floating fingers and rocket launches. We really enjoyed being able to witness these experiments and were even given the opportunity to be involved ourselves at times!!

Planting Colourful Plants in Our Sensory Garden

We recently planted some lovely colourful plants in the visual section of our sensory garden. This is located by the front gates of Scoil Nioclais. We looked at all five sections that represent and appeal to our own five senses.

On the Hunt for Mini-beasts in Scoil Nioclais

We learned all about the different types of mini-beasts that exist in our local environment. We then took to the school grounds in search for some examples with the use of pooters. We found and recorded many various examples including woodlice, beetles, spiders, ants, worms etc. This activity was enjoyed by all.

3rd Class Present their Australia Project

Before Easter 3rd Class completed a project on Australia and on Friday, the 27th of March, Mrs. Kelleher's class gave us a presentation of their Australia project. We learned about the cities, Aboriginal Australians, marsupials, bushfires, the Great Barrier Reef, the didgeridoo and much, much more.