Thursday, March 23, 2017

Chicks hatching in Mr Owens' 2nd class

There was great excitement in Mr Owens' 2nd class this week as we welcomed new members to the class! On Monday our special eggs had been inside an incubator for the last 19 days at 37 degrees celsius. We learnt how a chicken takes 21 days inside in an incubator to hatch out. On Tuesday it was day 20 and the eggs still just looked like normal eggs, until around 2 o'clock on Tuesday when we saw little cracks on 3 of the eggs. The picture below shows this.

On day 21, Wednesday morning, when we came in to school these 3 eggs were now 3 healthy chickens.
During the day we had more chickens hatching out.
The chickens are now in their new home with a lamp to keep them warm, lots of food and water, and a nice cosy bed. They will stay with us for the next week or so and we shall see how they grow in this space of time. 

A huge word of thanks to Spring Grove Farm Ltd who supplied us with our wonderful special eggs.

Below is a few pictures/videos of the chickens.