Our ‘Iceman’
When we had
finished making our Iceman, we estimated and measured how long it would take
for him to melt.
Our Iceman
was taken out of it’s freezer home at 8.00am. Here is what it looked like in
the beginning.
After 3 hours...
Now he has been melting for 5 hours...
Here is what he looked like at the end. It took 7 hours for our Iceman to melt!
Our Artic Projects
In January all the children in the class were given a week to study and make a project on The Arctic. Everyone worked really hard and their projects were amazing. Well done!
Chinese New Year
January 31st
was Chinese New Year. We spent the day learning about some of the traditions of
Chinese New Year. Here is the class showing their banners with Chinese symbols
and their red envelopes they made, filled with money to bring good luck to
those they give it to. Happy Chinese New Year!